Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Looking Back

One of the things I love to do in the last week of the year is to look back and reflect on the past year. It’s easy to be anxious about what is to come, but it is so much better to recall some wonderful moments from the year gone by.

For me, most of 2014 was a blur and yet there were some treasured moments that I wanted to jot down. I will be going month wise as each month had something new to cherish or certain challenges that were overcome. But all in all, there is much that I am thankful to God for the way He’s brought me and kept me in His grace. His all sufficient and all encompassing grace for every second of every day! So, here goes….

January: Dad’s successful brain surgery. So thankful to God for granting dad, healing and quick recovery from the surgery.

February: Abigail and Aaron’s wedding. It was sweet to witness God’s favor as these two dear folks were united in marriage.

March: Caroline and Nidhi’s special birthday gift. This was a huge surprise for me. I was so overwhelmed to see the amount of work, time, and secrecy maintained by my sis and Nidhi to bring to life a memento of birthday wishes of my dear friends from all across the globe. Loved every moment of it!!

June: Dad’s Cyber knife radiation treatment for his brain tumor. We had to take dad to Bangalore for this treatment and it was a success. Much thanks to God!

October: Shifted to a new locality and the way things fell into place was amazing. Praising God for the same.

November: Visited Akshay and Trisha in Mumbai! It was so good to catch up with old friends and meet new ones too! Attending Mumbai Bible church was a sweet experience. 

December: Holding Abigail for the first time! Spending time with the Williams family was such a joy! Not to mention meeting Captain America and Sheeba!

Even as I stand on the threshold of another year, I am confident in Christ that it will be an exciting and an adventurous journey ahead!

"Let the favor of our God be upon us, and establish the work of our hands upon us; yes, establish the work of our hands!" Psalm 90: 17