Much was supposed to be written but exhaustion and lack of energy is preventing this endeavor. I guess it will be another time, another day for a better occasion. But overall had a relaxed weekend and got to spend time with a dear friend of mine. It was special as I got to see a deeper shade of character that made me respect her more.....
I like people who are honest, who are not afraid to show their vulnerability and say, "I need your help or please hear me out". I'm not for those who love to have a pity party but the ones who are not afraid to cry and display their weakness. We are human and we need one another. Realized that evening......
very true.. m just glad that all share a relationship where we can be honest with one another..
hmmm...yes there have surely been times when I wished to pour my heart out at times to friends, without being judged. And the whole purpose of it need not be to get any 'solutions' to our problems, but just to know that there is someone who cares to really 'listen' and someone with whom we can share. Coz, no matter what we need to figure out a way on our own. But having a friend to empathize is having a gem itself!!
oops, i meant 'gem IN itself...'
Honesty helps in a big way....
I read u Ancy, coz many a times we just need a listening ear, someone who feels our pain. It's a rarity to find a friend like that, but if u do, consider it a blessing!!
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