What can be done on days when there is no substantial work and it's hot? Yeah! M beginning to get really bored and I'm tired of finding ways to keep myself seriously occupied. For example these are the few serious stuff I have done:
1. Took umpteen personality quizzes and discovered many facets...like got to know my fruit personality and my animal side too....I have discovered I suffer from certain disorders too...Phew these quizzes!!!
2. Then I leaped to movie quizzes thinking that as a movie bluff I will be able to get 10/10...What nonsense! I am asked to remember the details of movies that was here today and gone tomorrow...Gimme a break.....
3. My favorite, online jigsaw puzzle...not that bad to begin with...after sometime I got bored.....
4. Yes I have donated free rice while trying to guess the right word in a game that tests your vocab.....Well, up till now maybe a kilo.....
5. And of course blog blog blog......
So readers, what are some of the 'serious stuff" that u do?? Enlighten me......
i have been perpetually free for almost i guess since i took up this job..some serious work that i do when i am free are:
1)check a million times on gtalk if i can catch any bakra to chat with.
2)keep changin my desktop background.
3)searchin for new desktop background on google
4)keep pressin the refresh button in my outlook..just hopin for any official mail...
well these are SOME of the things that i can think of..hee hee
Welcome to the plights of the 'unfruitful days of IT' syndrome, where Ur paid to just be in ur seat and look busy... Ive got some ideas which have always got me thru these days,
* Count how many times u've breathed in agnst the no. of times u've breathed out. Find out if it is equal.(Brilllliant huh! I knw...)
* See if u can go to sleep with ur eyes open. I practise it evryday..will succeed one day!
* Try to balance a pen on the tip of ur nose. Lets see ur nose's stamina, girl, C'mon..
* Stare into the PC screen without blinking!
* Go outside and find a cock or hen and tie it on the ceiling. Its flapping will surely make u forget abt the heat.
that was a good one ancy.. i really needed a laugh right now..(as i was tryin to figure out wat i cud do with the spare time)
Well ur plight most deserves attention....but at least u gotta chat wid a few friends.....
I like the cock and hen idea...at the end of the day...have them for dinner (tandoori chicken)..what say??
anytime dear, today is my 'one of those day' day... Ive adapted sarcasm as my shield today... ATTTTTAAAACKKK!!!! (ive totally gone bonkers, excuse me)
arrey talkin about tandoori chicken.. i want one now..m havin a cravin for it ya..or atleast barbecue..mujhe khaana do...
haaa, hhaaaa, haaaa..... Mogambo khush huaaa!!! which of u ladies are gonna kill the cock/hen...How abt u Doc? Carol and I'll get the barbeque and spices...
Ya carol...it's about time we had tandoori chicken. How bout Blue Nile huh?
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