My weekend was good as it was not too hectic. Got some time to relax and spend time with my friends. I am very grateful to God for the kind of friends I have at this phase of my life. Few but precious- really a gift from God.
The start of the week was not too bad either, which is a surprise. I guess my attitude's beginning to change as I realise it's a sheer blessing to work, so why grumble. My day's almost done and I will wrap within few minutes to leave. Contentment is a gift where you learn to be satisfied with what you have and not complain like the Israelites. Hahaha....That's all for today...Hope to write few posts in the coming days...Chow!!
hey m glad for the friensdhips i have too.. they really are a blessing from god..
PS: the pups n kittens r toooo cute:)
I hear you girl.... and thanx!! They are real cuties.....
hey girls, finally im so glad to say ive made plans for the coming weekend. My frenz and me planning for a trek, its a farewell of sorts...maybe the last time the whole group meets ups together... :((...but im sooo looking fwd to it for more than 1 reason. Its almost been a month since I had a peaceful weekend.. yippeee im sooo excited!!! heee heee heeeeee(im so silly!)
As days go by its becoming more & more difficult to take a break...just hoping this trek may work out!! wish me luck
That's cool Ancy...m really excited for you. You need this trip and the weather is perfect....and have a great time with your friends. Are you going to Sinhagad fort btw??
thanks doc...yeah, either that or Lohagad, havent decided yet...
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