Monotony kills!! How much do we cry when faced to do the same things over and over again. Wake up every morning, have the same kind of breakfast, do the same kind of work and live a viscous life. Grumbling slowly ensues and we start to resent the daily mundanes of life. Statements like, "Oh! How I wish I could run away."...or sing songs like, "I want to break free" :) .What am I getting at??
I hate when monotony sets in, but I am beginning to cherish the simple mundanes of life. We always crave for some adventure hoping it will brighten our dull lives.. But when it does happen then how do we react : like unexpected guests crash in or your vehicle breaks down in the middle of a busy road? Then how do we respond? I ask this question myself....I would love to have an adventure packed, action filled life....but on second thoughts I prefer to be content with what I have....Just learning to be grateful for every aspect of my life will help kill the creeping monotony rising within me......
P.S. If I had such a breakfast table set for me every morning, what pleasure...ah!!
u said it right girl.. wud love that breakfast table.. i think sumtimes even i like the monotony i guess..
Haha....we miss mundane stuff only when things go awry.....
Well, maybe its nice to have an easy going life where evrything is in place. But what if the guests coming in was the welcome break u needed to realise the different life styles of ppl, or a stranger comes and helps u whn ur vehicle brks down, and that mite reaffirm ur belief in humanity again. Maybe u'll handle a difficult situation quite well, thus learning something u didnt knw abt ur self...
Sure, everyday need not be an adventure, but we surely need to walk the roads less travelled sometimes...or like Aamir says in the Titan ad 'get down at an unknown station' or 'take a bus not bothering where it leads'...too dreamy eh!!
I wasn't hinting to a easy going life. What I meant was the kind of attitude some of us have of not being grateful for the already existing things in our life. For example I will not be grateful for the smooth running of my vehicle until it breaks down....
As far as adventure is concerned, who wouldn't want a sprinkle of it once in a while?? Only if I learn to be thankful for what I ALREADY have will I learn to enjoy what comes ahead....
yeah, i agree that we appreciate what we have only in its absence. As humans, we only complain in whtever situations we are in and not realising how lucky we are...
Howevr, a monotony will not allow us to realise that, will it? So we can break away, atleast the parts we have a control over...
anyways, good, it nice to agree to disagree once in a while! i like that...wat say ;)
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