Last night my sister drops the bomb again, “Why don't you write for the newspaper, like writing a column or writing for a magazine? I was stumped. I never thought of that! Wow! I am always afraid when my sister gets ideas like that. Coz somewhere down the line, you will see me do just what she said!
True! I love to write, but writing for a magazine or writing a column needs skill and a mind to write on practically anything. And the fact that it is going to be read by so many people. Scary!!
But the damage has been done. Seeds already sown. Need to water the thoughts!!
cool!!! m glad u thinking abt it.. u never know.. u can start by writing for Pune Mirror.. write one article and mail it to them. they usually have one column a week on social issues.. m sure u can write on it. I got the idea when i was reading the magazine yest:)
Thanks for the idea! I will get on with it soon. Sure have a bagload of issues to deliver! Hahaha...
U sure do get some ideas, huh??
The funny part is I can see wat other people can do with their gifts.. i just cant figure out mine... ha ha...
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