Saturday, September 3, 2011

On a Rainy Day

What are all the things you can do on a rainy day? Yes! You read it right! There is so much you can indulge in on a rainy day.
When there is an incessant downpour, and you go, “Oh no! These rains have ruined my plans for the day. Here I am, all cooped up in the house” Try looking at it in another way. Maybe it’s time to think of all the things that you have pushed to the back burner.  Say, for example, reading that unfinished novel, trying that new recipe you stumbled upon You Tube or even better, sipping a cup of brewed coffee that your friend gifted you.
There’s so much to enjoy even on this day!!  How do you plan to spend your day at home?? I will be trying a new recipe and giving my family a treat!! Hope they like it!!


Anonymous said...

Absolutely Rite said girl !!!! Have an excellent weekend !!!!


Caroline Kaunds said...

I did enjoy your treat :) And yup m loving the rains too:D

Naiesha said...

@ Sowmiya: Thanks girl! I owe you coffee. Will catch up with you soon! :)

@ Caroline: I'm glad you enjoyed it! :)