Monday, December 9, 2013


The year 2013 is practically over and we are already on the threshold of another new year. The past year was interesting in many ways. Some days and months were filled with the usual mundane things of life. And then there were the unusual days that were filled with uncertainty and gloom.

But all in all, a decent year where I know deep down in my heart I can still give thanks to God for His untold blessings. There are a couple of things I would like to list down and look back with gratefulness for the year gone by. Here we go!

Made new friends and enjoyed getting to know them

Made travel plans and even executed them as well

Made peace with the fact that all days will not be the same

Came to terms with the idea that being fit and healthy is a sure gift from God

Came to a humble understanding that all relationships require patience and hard work

Experienced the sweetness of making wise decisions

Doing all things with prayer and total dependence on God

And, finally, each day is a gift from God who is the Giver and Sustainer of my life.

1 comment:

Caroline Kaunds said...

So true :) Everyday is a gift from God :)