Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Waiting for something?

How many of us like to wait? Well, you must be wondering why am I asking this question. But, think for a second? Do you like to wait? Now this actually depends on the circumstances you are in. If I were to speak for myself, I don't like to wait for practically anything. Waiting in a queue or waiting for something to happen. Sheesh, sometimes it is tormenting!!

But, the other day while I was watching a cookery based show on Discovery Travel and Living, a remark made by a famous chef left me stunned. He said something to the effect of “I like to wait. Waiting is good, beautiful...like waiting for the love of a woman.” That was something significant! In some sense when you receive something for which you have waited for a long time, your happiness knows no bounds!! Waiting teaches you patience, makes you grateful for the object you waited for.

Think about food for a minute. Food that takes hours to be prepared and when it is finally set on the table and when you sink your teeth into the first morsel, what do you experience? Bliss!!! What else??

When you have waited long at the bus stop and you catch a glimpse of the bus afar, don't you give a sigh of relief?Waiting has taught me to be grateful....taught me to be patient...and to appreciate all that comes along especially after a long time.

We as humans are extremely impatient about practically everything and this “waiting” instills in us a kind spirit of anticipation of the object we wait for. Think of an expectant mother. A student waiting quietly for the results to be announced. There is silence, quietness and a heart to receive whatever may befall. Waiting teaches us humility in a way that reminds that nothing is in our hands. We are not in control of our lives. Think of the gardener. He has to wait patiently for the rains to fall and the seed to grow into a plant and for it to bear fruit in due season!

This is what I would say for those who are in the season of waiting. Waiting to grow up, waiting to go to college, waiting to get married, waiting to bear children...whatever it may be...Remember one thing, waiting is good! Enjoy this season with grace!!


Caroline Kaunds said...

I know wat u mean girl.. One lesson that the Lord has been teaching me is patience. And the only way i have learnt it is by waiting...

And its true, we appreacite things a lot more only when we have waited for it for a long time..

Naiesha said...

And the fact that we have an ungrateful tendency,God chooses to put us in the crucible of waiting..

A hard way to learn gratefulness :)

mathew said...

hmm..i guess you are talking about waiting in the broader prespective..just like wine is sweeter when you wait...nice different prespective here!!

Naiesha said...

Well, yes that's true Mathew. And thanks!