Tuesday, July 15, 2008

I call it a day!

I remember writing an essay in high school titled, 'The day when everything went wrong'. Well, I kinda experienced it today. I woke up with a splitting migraine and somehow managed to make it through the morning trying to ignore the pain. Unfortunately there were no tablets to pop in and of course the chemist's store does not open till the sun's way up in the sky. I couldn't take an off since I had few deadlines to meet.

At work I realised, the web designer wasn't ready with her website and lo behold! I discovered some loopholes in my content too. All the while my headache was getting worse and add to it nausea. Wow!! I popped the pills by noon which gave me intense acidity. And had lunch all alone since everybody were tied up with work. I couldn't wait because of my migraines. Trying to finish my deadlines turned quite disastrous....Will not bother to mention the details...hah! Trust me I would call this a day......

Realised one thing-Plans can be broken and one needs to be flexible. And yet to be thankful for every single event and not complain was kinda difficult to accomplish....Even though it seemed like everything went 'wrong' in my sight, it was all planned by God and I need to trust Him in these seemingly trivial things.......


Caroline Kaunds said...

Somethin i guess we all r learning is that things need not always go r way.. the sooner we accept that the better it is...its the same with me ya.. i plan to do so many things.. but the Lord has sumthin else in mind...

Ancy said...

hey dear,I can sooo relate to u, yep there are days like these, and will be more ahead of you...Even the toughest of people go thru this at some point. But im glad u faced it all, despite ur pains and DIDN'T call it a day! Way to go!!

I remember losing my temper and bursting to tears when these happened earlier, thinking the whole situation is against me, but now like u said, i'm learning to accept it as it is and move on...See we can overcome the pressure evn whn we think we can't... so dont worry, Im sure u'll soon be capable to handle much more days like these ahead...

Naiesha said...

Hmmm...."Thy will be done" is what I need to learn at the earliest.....

Naiesha said...

Thanks Ancy that's very encouraging to know that I'm not the only one facing these things. The battle is half won when we accept what comes our way....As women we love to plan and get vexed even when there is a slight change....What is life without some adventure, huh??

Ancy said...

true...hats off to WOMEN SPIRIT!! Yippeee...and guys i wanna say, sure its God's will, and lets be glad abt it and not be like, 'ohh, its God's will, we cannot do anything abt that'...He's just teaching us to toughen up, like a doting Father, who'll not spoil his kids with all comforts and cozy environments...(i just realized that and am thinking of my Dad, now!) Its so similar in a weird way, u see wht i mean??

Naiesha said...

Yeah I agree with u completely. Our Heavenly Father will NEVER give anything that will spoil us. Many a times we ask for 'stones' instead of fish/bread. We are so wise in our eyes. One of the things my dad taught me was "being disciplined" as regards time and "generous" as regards money. I haven't forgotten those lessons....