Thursday, May 15, 2008

It takes 'seven' to figure

Ancy, a dear friend has put forth 7 questions to help me find my true passion....or my ultimate passion.....Here goes nothing....

1. What puts a smile on your face?
Honestly a tough question, but I'll give it a shot. First on the ranks "Books" then probably "Good food" and "Kids".......

2. What do you find easy?

I find it very easy to teach, comes very naturally to me....

3. What sparks your creativity?

When I listen to good music and when I read books based on literature.

4. What would you do for free?

Teach and babysit my friend's kids.

5. What do you like to talk about?

Bible and the things of God.

6. What makes you unafraid of failure?

Christ Jesus and His promises

7. What would you regret not having tried?

Might sound silly-Martial arts....

So Ancy, how did I fare?? Do let me know the results.....


Ancy said...

hey doc, hope ur feeling well now....there are no 'results' as such for these questions. These are just some questions we need to ask ourselves to remind us of our long lost passion(if we have lost it)....
See we get so carried away in our day to day activities, we tend to forget wht we really want to do...At least I do...I need something to keep motivating me at my work place each day.. I hope ur getting me... Im thinking maybe we cud keep them open for discussion...wht say? Also please check this link

Naiesha said...

As regards health m ok..will take sometime to recover though....These questions were good...made me realize what I like...Hmmmm...wouldn't mind discussing..Honestly one thing that truly keeps me going is "I am created for God's glory and EVERYTHING I do (even the mundane things like sweeping the floor...) is worship unto the Lord....And the fact that He takes pleasure in what I do is motive enough.... U should get hold of John Piper's books..They are mind-blowing!!!

Wandering Soul said...

Well is there always a need to find answers for all the questions we have.....

I think some questions should be Left Unanswered....